
Sociedad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Spanish Society for Statistics and Operation Research SEIO

The Executive Committee

  • President: Begoña Vitoriano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Past president: Jesús López-Fidalgo, Universidad de Navarra
  • Vicepresident (for Statistics): Carmen Armero, Universitat de València
  • Vicepresident (for Operations Research): Mercedes Landete, Universidad Miguel Hernández
  • Secretary: F. Javier Martín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

About society

The SEIO was first created on the 12th February 1962 under the name of the Spanish Operations Research Society. Its first meeting took place in the rooms of the Institute of Statistical Research of the Upper Council of Scientific Research and was attended by 52 people interested in methods of Operations Research and the propagation within Spain of the theory and practice in the field.

In a General Meeting held on the 30th June 1976, the Society’s activities of the SEIO were extended to include Statistics and Computing. In the General Meeting held on the 20th December 1984 it was decided to modify its statutes, name and commitments and the SEIO was henceforth referred to as the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. In March 1999 some of the statutes were changed further and are the ones that govern the Society today. At present, the SEIO has around 700 members.

News from the Society

In recent years, the Incubator of Surveys and Experiments competition has been held in the different autonomous communities, aimed at students in high school, baccalaureate and intermediate training cycles. The aim is to awaken students' curiosity for statistics as a fundamental tool for the analysis of data from studies in experimental and social sciences. The Society of Statistics and Operations Research organizes every year the national phase of this competition. This year will held in Bilbao from 26 to 28 June, organized by the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, with the collaboration of BCAM Basque Center for Applied Mathematics and Eustat - Euskal Estatistika Erakundea - Basque Institute of Statistics. See more info https://www.seio.es/incubator/

Four disgtinguished statisticians must be congratulated, affiliated with the Society of Statistics and Operations Research: Vanesa Guerrero has won the L'Óreal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" research award, María José Ginzo has won the award for the Best Thesis in Digital Humanities 2023 of the international Society HDH and the BBVA Foundation. Rubén Ruiz for his appointment as a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. Francisco Ruiz de la Rúa has won the Georg Cantor prize of the International Society on MCDM.

The Head Office of the SEIO
The Upper Council of Scientific Research
c/ Hortaleza, 104 - 2º Izqda, 28004 Madrid, Spain
Telephone: +34 91 308 24 74
Fax: +34 91 308 12 38
e-mail: oficina@seio.es

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