The Federation of European National Statistical Societies
The Interuniversity Postgraduate Program of Statistics and Operational Research
The Interuniversity Postgraduate Program of Statistics and Operational Research allows to obtain the following titles:
- Master in Statistical Techniques
- Doctor in Statistics and Operational Research
The Program comes from the transformation of the Graduate Program in Statistics and Operational Research, an interuniversity also, that began to take place in 2000-2001 and which have formed a large group of doctors in the area of Statistics and Operational Research in recent years.
The birth of the third cycle in the first place and the current Program of Statistics and Operational Research arises with the potential merger of teaching and research in this area of the three Galician universities: A Coruña, Vigo and Santiago de Compostela and the participation of visiting professors from renowned of national and foreign universities.
In this period, the third-cycle students had different profiles, nationalities and diverse academic training (more information at http://eio.usc.es/pub/mte).
The University of Ljubljana: graduate programs in statistics
The University of Ljubljana offers two graduate programs in statistics:
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Statistics.
The program was launched in October 2009 and offers seven modules: Official Statistics, Economic and Business Statistics, Statistics for Social Sciences, Psychological statistics, Biostatistics, Mathematical Statistics and Technical Statistics (more information at www.uni-lj.si/study/study_programmes/postgraduate_studies_3rd_cycle/). - Master in Applied Statistics.
The program was launched in October 2013 and offers five modules: Official Statistics, Economic and Business Statistics, Statistics for Social Sciences, Biostatistics and Technical Statistics (more information can be found at webpage stat.uni-lj.si).