Magyar Statisztikai Tarsasag Hungarian Statistical Association HSA
The Executive Committee
- President: Gabriella Vukovich, former President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office between 2010 and 2023
- Vicepresident: Gábor Valkó, Deputy President supervising the Statistics Directorate, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
- Vicepresident: Kornélia Mag, former Deputy President of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office
- Secretary: Balázs Horváth, Acting Head of Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office Library
About the Society
The Hungarian Statistical Association was established in 1922. Due to political reasons its activity – as an independent association – was suspended in 1948. Between 1953 and 1990 the HSA was functioning as a section of the Hungarian Economic Society. The independent Association was re-established in 1990.
Mission and objectives:
- Promote the development of statistical theory and practice; raise the scientific standard of statistics.
- Provide a forum for discussion of theoretical and practical issues of statistics; take an informed position in professional debates.
- Improve understanding between producers and users.
- Maintain relationships with international statistical institutes, federations (such as the ISI, FENStatS, etc.).
News from the Society
Gabriella Vukovich, President
Hungarian Statistical Association
Keleti Karoly u. 5-7, 1024 Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: mstfotitkar@gmail.com