
FENStatS News

Call for proposals: FENStatS Executive Committee

The current Executive Committee terminates the mandate in October 2023, and an election for a new board will occur during the 2023 General Assembly.

Proposals for the new Executive Committee are welcome by June 30th, 2023 - 23:59 CEST, as mentioned in the 2022 General Assembly. 

According to the FENStatS statutes (Art. 7, #2), “The General Assembly shall elect a President who has not earlier served a term as President and finally shall serve a further term as Vice-President”. Thus, Walter Radermacher, the current FENStatS President, will occupy the Vice-President position in the next mandate. Accordingly, candidates for the new Executive Committee should attain the roles of President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and Webmaster. 

Submissions should be sent to info[at]fenstats.eu, including the list of the proposed board with respective affiliations, CVs of all candidates and a mission statement for the mandate. 

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